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Keep control of your energy costs

These organizations can help

Your energy bill could take a big bite out of your budget, yet your income has stayed the same. Sometimes that means you have to cut back on other things to pay your energy bill. Some people have run out of money altogether. They could often use help from a budget coach or debt assistance agency. We’ve outlined the available options below. Keep control of your energy costs!

Digital help

The first step you can take is looking for online help to map out your financial situation and see how you can adjust your budget to meet rising energy prices.

Noodfonds Energie 2025


The Temporary Emergency Energy Fund will also open again in 2025. The Emergency Fund is in talks with the government about the conditions and how households can be helped. You can leave your email address here to stay informed of the latest news.



Geldfit.nl helps you keep your money matters in shape. Plenty of energy suppliers support geldfit.nl, including DELTA Energie. At geldfit.nl, you can take an online test that will provide you with personal advice tailored to your specific situation. You’ll also get tips on organisations in your own neighbourhood that can help you with your finances.


The website of the National Institute for Budget Advice (Nibud) is another good source of information on money matters. They also offer Personal Budget Advice that can help you discover ways to save money and keep more at the end of each month.

Help from volunteers

Did you know there are hundreds of volunteers ready to help if you’re in financial trouble? So your first call doesn’t have to be to a bank or the council. A volunteer who comes to your home and helps you get your finances in order can really help.


The volunteers at schuldhulpmaatje.nl offer guidance and support for financial problems. Their first priority is helping you get a handle on your situation and mitigate some of the stress. They’ll also teach you how to stay debt free in the future. They don’t just cover proper bookkeeping, they’ll discuss good financial habits with you, too. It will help you avoid getting into financial trouble again.


The volunteers at Humanitas can help you keep proper financial records so you’ll always have your finances under control. That will help prevent financial problems. There are even volunteers who specifically help young people to get and keep their finances in order.

Local government

If you already have debts you can’t repay, you can make arrangements with your local council. Each council has its own process, but if you have debts you can no longer pay, get in touch with your local council. They can help you. In some places, you’ll need to go to a separate organisation.
For example, Orionis offers debt assistance for Vlissingen, Middelburg, and Veere. You can contact them directly.

In Goes, Kapelle, Reimerswaal, Borsele, and Noord-Beveland, you can contact GR De Bevelanden. Visit www.grdebevelanden.nl/hulp-bij-schulden. If you live in one of the other municipalities in Zeeland, it is best to contact the council directly. Do you live outside Zeeland? Contact your local council or check their website to learn more about their debt assistance programme.

Need help?

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact our customer support service.